Shelby Kinnaird, better known as Diabetic Foodie, has always loved food. She grew up surrounded by terrific Southern cooks who never met a bread product, dessert, or fried food they didn’t like.
In 1999, Shelby found out she has type 2 diabetes. No more dessert? Watch the fat? Count carbohydrates? This didn’t sound like it was going to be much fun. She started reading about new foods and experimenting in the kitchen. Her philosophy evolved into using fresh, local foods whenever possible, incorporating more whole grains and using healthy fats and lean proteins. She also eats more hearty dishes that happen to be vegetarian. Shelby’s diet isn’t perfect. She still needs french fries once in a while. But, she’s found that if she tracks what she eats, she does okay. She hopes that by sharing her philosophy of food and some of her recipes in the Diabetic Foodie blog, she’ll be able to help you do okay too.
Shelby recently moved back to her hometown of Richmond, VA after 30 years of living in Minneapolis, Baltimore, Washington DC, Boston, the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and Chapel Hill NC. She has two nephews and a niece nearby who inspire her in the kitchen.