Ericka Sanchez is the creator and recipe developer for the bilingual blog Nibbles and Feasts. Born in Torreon Coahuila, Mexico, Ericka's blog revolves around her life as a bicultural Latina living in Los Angeles. Nibbles and Feasts began as a way to catalog recipes and cherished memories in the kitchen with her grandmother and mother throughout the years. Now, her writing has lead her to reconnect with her Mexican roots by developing her own twist on traditional dishes. Ericka has managed social media communities for large Latin food brands. Her blog has been part of the top 100 food bloggers for 2012 and 2013 and has been featured in Cosmopolitan for Latinas magazine, Que Rica Vida Magazine and Shape Magazine. You can read more of her work on Disney's Spoonful, LatinaMom.Me,, and