I wasn’t always Dr Jean Layton, like most stories, mine is a bit complex.
Starting out with a love of good food, simply prepared, an expression of the abundance available in my native garden state, New Jersey. Some culinary school training later, I was working in New York City as the Marketplace (Fancy Food Hall) manager at Macy’s Herald Square and catering on the side.
My first husband died of cancer, Macy's went bankrupt and I returned to school, knowing in my heart that there had to be a better way to heal.
Met and married my second husband, moved cross country and went to Naturopathic Medical school in Portland while he went to acupuncture school. We had our twin daughters while in school. Yup, we are chronic over committers
Shortly after we moved to Bellingham, Ed discovered he needed a gluten free diet. Since celiac disease is genetic, we all went gluten free and loved the results. Thus began my online blog in 2006 as a place to hold and share the recipes I developed to replace our gluten full favorites. in 2011, I co-authored Gluten Free Baking for Dummies (John Wiley and Sons).