Idaho Potato Commission's VP of Legal and Government Affairs Shows Them How It's Done in D.C.!

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WASHINGTON, D.C., October 30, 2005 - When the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) announced its decision to help sponsor the 30th Annual Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) as part of its annual harvest celebration program, little did it know that one of its own would go the next step (literally, mile after mile) and actually run it! This is exactly what Patrick Kole, the IPC's VP of Legal and Government Affairs did, in X hours and XX minutes - an especially noteworthy feat considering this was the first marathon he has ever participated in.

Every year around this time the IPC likes to do something "BIG" that focuses attention on the Idaho Potato harvest. In past years, these activities have tended to occur on the East and West Coasts, specifically New York and Los Angeles. This year, the timing was right for the IPC to approach the MCM about the potential of a supporting sponsorship role in the Marathon. Adding to the logic is the fact that Denise Austin, IPC's well-known fitness and lifestyle spokesperson, lives right over the bridge from where the Marathon location and she wanted to show her support too!
Soon enough, the commitment was made and Denise Austin was lined up ready to conduct pre-race warm-ups for the runners and to kick-off the 8K race with IPC President and CEO, Frank Muir. Then Pat Kole decided to get on board and show his support for the effort and for our country's armed forces.

"I decided to go for it and ever since I committed to running this race, I have been training continuously," said Pat Kole. "I am so glad I did it, it was exhilarating and I am proud that I stuck with it and achieved my goal. This was a great day and I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this celebratory event that recognizes the contributions of our armed forces."
Over the past several years, the IPC has dedicated itself to supporting initiatives that emphasize healthy eating habits in tandem with a regular fitness regimen.

"Let's face it, a person can't compete in an event like the Marine Corps Marathon and not be in great shape," said Frank Muir. "Our sponsorship goal this year is to emphasize the importance of complex carbohydrates, such as those found in Idaho Potatoes, in a healthy and active lifestyle. The way we look at it, Pat Kole had a leg up on everyone because he knows why it's important to eat Idaho Potatoes. All he had to concentrate on was training!"

Many experts believe that potatoes are one of the best sources for complex carbohydrates and thus function as great energy foods. Thanks to the fiber content, they not only provide fuel, but they have staying power (of particular significance for runners!).
Although Idaho is famous worldwide for its premium potatoes, some consumers don't realize that only potatoes grown in the Gem State can wear the "Grown in Idaho" Seal. Both words Idaho® Potatoes and the "Grown in Idaho®" seal are federally registered Certification Marks that certify to consumers that they are purchasing genuine Idaho Potatoes that have been grown in the state of Idaho.