Cost and Size Calculator

What does it cost to serve the very best?

Here's a calculator to help you determine the price of serving individual baked russet Idaho® potatoes. For the very best, be sure to specify Idaho® potatoes! Your customers will taste the Idaho® difference and will appreciate that you use the best.

Box of potatoes
Cost Per Potato $0.00
Cost Per Ounce $0.00

Recipe Cost Calculator

Here's a calculator to help you determine the price of your recipes with Idaho® potatoes. See how Idaho® potatoes can improve your profitability!

Idaho® Potato Costs

Cost per Pound of Potatoes ${{ costPerPoundOfPotatoes }}

Add Ingredients

To calculate your gross margin, enter all of the recipe incredients to create total cost.

{{ }} (${{ ingredient.cost }}) Delete


Potato Cost %: {{ isNaN(potatoCostPercent) ? '---' : potatoCostPercent+'%' }}
Total Ingredient Cost %: {{ isNaN(ingredientCostPercent) ? '---' : ingredientCostPercent+'%' }}
Total Cost Per Portion: {{ isNaN(costPerPortion) ? '---' : '$'+costPerPortion }}
Gross Profit Dollars: {{ isNaN(grossProfit) ? '---' : '$'+grossProfit }}
Gross Profit Percentage: {{ isNaN(grossProfitPercent) || operatorMenuPrice == 0 ? '---' : grossProfitPercent + '%' }}

Disclaimer: Calculations are for demonstration purposes only. Costs and profits may vary.

See how Idaho® potatoes can improve your profitability!


Idaho® Potato Size Guide

Size Guide

The chart above indicates the most popular count sizes, number of russet potatoes per carton, maximum size range, and the sizes that most of the potatoes in each carton will be. Each carton contains 50 pounds of potatoes.

Potato field being watered

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