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Randy Hardy

Meet Randy Hardy

Name: Randy Hardy
Wife: Karlene
5 children, 27 grandchildren


Lifelong resident of Oakley, ID (One of the pics of our potato field shows Oakley in the background)

How many generations?

I am just a second-generation farmer. My father started in the mid 60's and I bought the 200 acre farm from my mother in the early 70's when my father passed away. I'm starting my 48th year of growing potatoes. Our son Ben, and his family, are working on the farm.

I'm proud to be a farmer because...there is a great deal of satisfaction in growing crops that help feed the world, and nothing teaches the value and reward of 'hard work' more than growing up and working on a farm.

My favorite way to eat a potato:

I like potatoes in any form, but my favorite is loaded, skin-on mashed potatoes.