I am planning a wedding menu and would like to serve roasted potatoes. We have about 200 guests attending. Is this do-able? How long do I cook them and what size pans should I use? What can I do to keep them from becoming too soft?
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Does soaking potato chips in different liquids before frying change the flavor of the chip? If so, what liquid would change the flavor the most?
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Could an Idaho russet potato with high sugar content still have high solids?
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I recently saw a recipe for fingerling potatoes that called for peeling them, then cutting into coins and then mashing in a ricer. Are all those steps necessary?
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I read somewhere that Idaho has some of the most advanced potato storage facilities in the world and that russets can be saved for a year or more. Is that true?
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I have a historical question to ask. Is there a USA equivalent of the Canadian version of Potato Poutine?
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Can the USA ever run into the same issues with potato blight that Ireland did? I read that because Idaho only grows one variety, the Russet Burbank, that this could happen here. True or False?
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I used to work with a fellow who grew up in Idaho and at one time worked in a potato processing plant. He told me that the potatoes were immersed in chemical(s), and this concerns me. As I recall one of the reasons for using the chemical(s) was to inhibit the growth of the potato eye.
Can you enlighten me as to how potatoes are processed and what chemical(s) are used before the potatoes are shipped to grocery stores?
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Years ago I stopped into a little roadhouse somewhere in the deep south. They didn’t have baked potatoes, they had turpentine boiled potato. It had to be the best potato I have ever eaten. Boiling a potato in turpentine does not sound too healthy to me so I would suppose it is more a name than an actual method. Ever hear of it? Know how to make them?
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Is it possible to "slow bake" potatoes at 250 degrees (cooking meat at this temp for several hours and can't do the potatoes at the higher temp)?
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