Released by the Tri-State Breeding Program in 2009, this is a medium to late variety for both fresh and processing markets. It has high protein content, measuring 38 percent greater than the Russet Burbank. This variety has an exceptionally high yield average and specific gravity, along with high solids.
It produces oblong tubers with brown, medium-heavy russet skin. The eyes are shallow in depth and intermediate in number and are evenly distributed. Tuber set is low, and average tuber size is medium. The flesh is white to creamy white and firm.
Qualities similar to the Russet Burbank. A light and fluffy baker with excellent fry characteristics and taste, often outperforming the Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank in tests.
Its excellent fry color out of storage and its attractiveness make this variety suitable for both processing and fresh-market usage. It has a high specific gravity and is resistant to sugar ends as well as most internal and external tuber defects.